I have recently encountered what looks like a memory leak within SQL server, but may be a number of other things as well - I'm hoping that some of you may have encountered this problem as well so I may be able to narrow down my list of possible culprits.
I noticed this morning that SQL Server was chewing up about 1.5 GB of memory - obviously way more than it should be. At first, I thought this may be because of a coding error, but I was unable to reproduce the problem on my development machine (running SQL Personal).
After re-starting the SQL service (which cleared up the memory use), I ran task manager on our SQL server machine, and noticed that when queries were executed (especially queries that returned fairly large recordsets), memory consumption used by the sql server process would jump up, but then would not be released (as my development machine was doing).
I'm not a DBA, so I'm hoping this may be happening because of some (unknown to me) option that is not currently enabled/disabled on the SQL Server. My only other thoughts at this time are that maybe it's a bad install of SQL, or perhaps bad RAM? Any supporting/disproving thoughts? Any similar situations?
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
AtomicChipSQL Server will use as much memory as is available. Now, it'llrelease it as other processes need it, but remember that it truly is aserver, so it doesn't make sense for it to limit itself to a smallerportion of available RAM than it can use.
You *can* set a maximum amount of RAM that you never want it to exceed,if you so wish. There's a setting in the server properties forthis, but if it's not causing you any problems then I'd chalk it up toSQL Server doing what it's supposed to do and not worry about it.
|||SQL Server Perfmon and Profiler will give you better understanding ofthe processes and SQL statements using up resources. In Win2003you can limit the rams used by Windows but your total ram of 1.5gig israther small to use that configuration. The fixes maybe storedproc rewrites using more SELECT instead of SET statements and limitcursors. Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Gift Peddie
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